Mr. Darcy Rings My Bell

Chapter 2 of Mr. Darcy Rings My Bell

Elizabeth studied Mr. Darcy’s head and body. There were no signs of any new blood and he did not look pale as if someone had died. “They were all fine, then? I heard the horses scream.” Mr. Darcy kicked the snow off his boots on the top step before he stepped into the carriage and closed the door. “The men are fine. The younger horse screamed as he is still new to the harness and…

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Mr. Darcy Rings My Bell

Chapter 1 of Mr. Darcy Rings My Bell

Mr. Darcy helped his wife, Elizabeth Darcy into their well-appointed carriage. She settled down on the bench with her boots on the heated brick and pulled the heavy wool blanket over her lap. Mr. Darcy sat next to her as a servant closed the door and yelled at the driver. The carriage lurched forward pushing Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy back against the wall of the carriage. Elizabeth was not cold yet, they had just come…

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