Chapters of Mary Quite Contrary

Chapter 3 of Mary Quite Contrary – JAFF Story

Elizabeth peered out the carriage window, her heart still pounding from being discovered in such a mortifying position by Caroline Bingley and her brother. No doubt rumors were flying all over Meryton and would be across the entire county by morning. And with none other than Mr. Darcy.The ride home from the ball dragged on an eternity, though it was just two miles. It was too quiet in the carriage, unlike how it usually was.…

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Chapters of Mary Quite Contrary

Chapter 2 of Mary Quite Contrary – JAFF Story

Edited – Jan. 1, 2023 to add an intimate scene. Elizabeth shuddered as a cold tremor ran down her spine. If anyone learnt of them together like this—locked in a room together—her reputation would be ruined.Her heart raced as she frantically tried to think of a way out of this situation. “We must pretend that this never happened,” she blurted out, hoping he would agree. Mr. Darcy scrutinized her for a few moments before finally…

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Chapters of Mary Quite Contrary

Chapter 1 of Mary Quite Contrary – JAFF Story

Elizabeth nervously arranged her hair and clothes one last time in preparation for the Netherfield Ball. She had chosen a pale blue gown embroidered at the bodice with white and silver thread and had asked Hill to pin her hair up with silver pins. She pretended to dress just as she would for any assembly or dinner party. But she knew that was a lie. Her excitement to see Mr. Wickham had hastened her preparations.…

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