Chapters of Stormy Pemberley

Chapter 6 of Stormy Nights at Pemberley – Sensual Steamy Intimate JAFF Story

Unedited beta version After the evening meal, they wandered to the music room. In the quiet moments that followed, Elizabeth found herself nestled against Mr. Darcy’s side, listening as he played a gentle melody on the piano. The soft notes filled the air, a testament to the passion and devotion that existed between them.Yet, with each tender moment shared, the ever-present shadow of Colonel Fitzwilliam’s disapproval seemed to loom larger, threatening to engulf their happiness.…

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Chapters of Stormy Pemberley

Chapter 2 of Stormy Nights at Pemberley – Sensual Steamy Intimate JAFF Story

Unedited beta version For a moment, she stood frozen in place, her mind racing with a mixture of shock and embarrassment. Her heart pounded in her ears, drowning out the elegant melodies that filled the room. Elizabeth knew she should turn and leave, make her escape before he noticed her intrusion. Yet, an inexplicable force held her rooted to the spot, her eyes unable to tear themselves away from the captivating figure before her.Unaware of…

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Chapters of Stormy Pemberley

Chapter 1 of Stormy Nights at Pemberley – Sensual Steamy Intimate JAFF Story

Unedited beta version In a quaint corner of Derbyshire, Elizabeth Bennet found herself in the delightful company of her dear aunt and uncle, the Gardiners. It was a pleasant summer day, with the air perfumed by the scent of blooming flowers, and the infectious laughter of old friends reunited. As they sat in the elegant drawing room of their Derbyshire acquaintances’ home, the Gardiners exchanged fond memories, reminiscing about days gone by. Elizabeth listened to…

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