Chapters of Scandalous Novel at Netherfield

The Scandalous Novel at Netherfield Chapter 3 – Steamy Pride and Prejudice Variation

Unedited beta version Upon leaving the drawing room, Elizabeth felt an urgent need to check on her sister. Upon entering Jane’s room, Elizabeth found her sister resting in bed, her cheeks flushed from the remnants of her illness. Despite her fatigue, Jane greeted Elizabeth with a warm smile.“How are you faring?” Elizabeth inquired, her concern evident in her eyes.“I am much better, Lizzy,” Jane replied, her voice soft and reassuring. “I shall be well enough…

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Chapters of Scandalous Novel at Netherfield

The Scandalous Novel at Netherfield Chapter 2 – Steamy Pride and Prejudice Variation

Unedited beta version Elizabeth tossed upon her bed, seeking in vain the escape of slumber. In the concealment of night, her treacherous mind conjured remembrance of the hidden novel she had discovered in Netherfield’s library, a fanciful tale of passion and impropriety that set her pulse aflame.Though the book had been hastily concealed, its contents were seared upon her memory. Each amorous scene seemed writ not from imagination but memory, as if the author had…

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Chapters of Scandalous Novel at Netherfield

The Scandalous Novel at Netherfield Chapter 1 – Steamy Pride and Prejudice Variation

Unedited beta version “Curse this mud,” Elizabeth muttered as she charged across the fields toward Netherfield, heedless of the mire that clung to her boots and dress. The path she took was winding, leading her through thickets and over streams, lengthening the journey from Longbourn to nearly four miles.As she crested the final hill, a vision of Netherfield Manor emerged before her. Its stone facade caught the sun’s rays and glimmered like a diamond amidst…

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